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Merge request widgets

Merge request widgets enable you to add new features that match the design framework. With these widgets we get a lot of benefits out of the box without much effort required, like:

  • A consistent look and feel.
  • Tracking when the widget is opened.
  • Virtual scrolling for performance.


The widgets are regular Vue components that make use of the ~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/widget/widget.vue component. Depending on the complexity of the use case, it is possible to pass down configuration objects, or extend the component through slots.

For an example that uses slots, refer to the following file: ee/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/widgets/security_reports/mr_widget_security_reports.vue

For an example that uses data objects, refer to the following file: ee/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/widgets/metrics/index.vue

Here is a minimal example that renders a Hello World widget:

import MrWidget from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/widget/widget.vue';
import { __ } from '~/locale';

export default {
  name: 'WidgetHelloWorld',
  components: {
  computed: {
    summary() {
      return { title: __('Hello World') };
  <mr-widget :summary="summary" :is-collapsible="false" :widget-name="$" />

Registering widgets

The example above won't be rendered anywhere in the page. In order to mount it in the Merge Request Widget section, we have to register the widget in one or both of these two locations:

  • app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/widget/app.vue (for CE widgets)
  • ee/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/widget/app.vue (for CE and EE widgets)

Defining the component in the components list and adding the name to the widgets computed property will mount the widget:

export default {
  components: {
    MrHelloWorldWidget: () =>
  computed: {
    mrHelloWorldWidget() {
      return ? 'MrHelloWorldWidget' : undefined;
    widgets() {
      return [
      ].filter((w) => w);

Data fetching

To fetch data when the widget is mounted, pass the :fetch-collapsed-data property a function that performs an API call.

The function must return a Promise that resolves to the response object. The implementation relies on the POLL-INTERVAL header to keep polling, therefore it is important not to alter the status code and headers.

export default {
  // ...
  data() {
    return {
      collapsedData: [],
  methods: {
    fetchCollapsedData() {
      return axios.get('/my/path').then((response) => {
        this.collapsedData =;
        return response;
  <mr-widget :fetch-collapsed-data="fetchCollapsedData" />

:fetch-expanded-data works the same way, but it will be called only when the user expands the widget.

Data structure

The content and summary properties can be used to render the Widget. Below is the documentation for both properties:

// content
  text: '',           // Required: Main text for the row
  subtext: '',        // Optional: Smaller sub-text to be displayed below the main text
  supportingText: '', // Optional: Paragraph to be displayed below the subtext
  icon: {             // Optional: Icon object
    name: EXTENSION_ICONS.success, // Required: The icon name for the row
  badge: {            // Optional: Badge displayed after text
    text: '',         // Required: Text to be displayed inside badge
    variant: '',      // Optional: GitLab UI badge variant, defaults to info
  link: {             // Optional: Link to a URL displayed after text
    text: '',         // Required: Text of the link
    href: '',         // Optional: URL for the link
  actions: [],        // Optional: Action button for row
  children: [],       // Optional: Child content to render, structure matches the same structure
  helpPopover: {      // Optional: If provided, an information icon will be display at the right-most corner of the content row
    options: {
      title: ''       // Required: The title of the popover
    content: {
      text: '',           // Optional: Text content of the popover
      learnMorePath: '',  // Optional: The path to the documentation. A learn more link will be displayed if provided.

// summary
  title: '',    // Required: The main text of the summary part
  subtitle: '', // Optional: The subtext of the summary part


If :fetch-collapsed-data or :fetch-expanded-data methods throw an error. To customise the error text, you can use the :error-text property:

  <mr-widget :error-text="__('Failed to load.')" />


The base implementation of the widget framework includes some telemetry events. Each widget reports:

  • view: When it is rendered to the screen.
  • expand: When it is expanded.
  • full_report_clicked: When an (optional) input is clicked to view the full report.
  • Outcome (expand_success, expand_warning, or expand_failed): One of three additional events relating to the status of the widget when it was expanded.

Add new widgets

When adding new widgets, the above events must be marked as known, and have metrics created, to be reportable.

Events that are only for EE should include --ee at the end of both shell commands below.

To generate these known events for a single widget:

  1. Widgets should be named Widget${CamelName}.

    • For example: a widget for Test Reports should be WidgetTestReports.
  2. Compute the widget name slug by converting the ${CamelName} to lower-, snake-case.

    • The previous example would be test_reports.
  3. Add the new widget name slug to lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/merge_request_widget_counter.rb in the WIDGETS list.

  4. Ensure the GDK is running (gdk start).

  5. Generate known events on the command line with the following command. Replace test_reports with your appropriate name slug:

    bundle exec rails generate gitlab:usage_metric_definition \
    counts.i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_view \
    counts.i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_full_report_clicked \
    counts.i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_expand \
    counts.i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_expand_success \
    counts.i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_expand_warning \
    counts.i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_expand_failed \
  6. Modify each newly generated file to match the existing files for the merge request widget extension telemetry.

    • Find existing examples by doing a glob search, like: metrics/**/*_i_code_review_merge_request_widget_*
    • Roughly speaking, each file should have these values:
      1. description = A plain English description of this value. Review existing widget extension telemetry files for examples.
      2. product_section = dev
      3. product_stage = create
      4. product_group = code_review
      5. introduced_by_url = '[your MR]'
      6. = (the event in the command from above that generated this file, like i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_count_view)
        • This value is how the telemetry events are linked to "metrics" so this is probably one of the more important values.
      7. data_source = redis
      8. data_category = optional
  7. Generate known HLL events on the command line with the following command. Replace test_reports with your appropriate name slug.

    bundle exec rails generate gitlab:usage_metric_definition:redis_hll code_review \
    i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_view \
    i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_full_report_clicked \
    i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_expand \
    i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_expand_success \
    i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_expand_warning \
    i_code_review_merge_request_widget_test_reports_expand_failed \
  8. Repeat step 6, but change the data_source to redis_hll.

  9. Add each event (those listed in the command in step 7, replacing test_reports with the appropriate name slug) to the aggregate files:

    1. config/metrics/counts_7d/{timestamp}_code_review_category_monthly_active_users.yml
    2. config/metrics/counts_7d/{timestamp}_code_review_group_monthly_active_users.yml
    3. config/metrics/counts_28d/{timestamp}_code_review_category_monthly_active_users.yml
    4. config/metrics/counts_28d/{timestamp}_code_review_group_monthly_active_users.yml

Add new events

If you are adding a new event to our known events, include the new event in the KNOWN_EVENTS list in lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/merge_request_widget_extension_counter.rb.


Level 1 and all subsequent levels can have their own status icons. To keep with the design framework, import the EXTENSION_ICONS constant from the constants.js file:

import { EXTENSION_ICONS } from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/constants.js';

This constant has the below icons available for use. Per the design framework, only some of these icons should be used on level 1:

  • failed
  • warning
  • success
  • neutral
  • error
  • notice
  • severityCritical
  • severityHigh
  • severityMedium
  • severityLow
  • severityInfo
  • severityUnknown

Action buttons

You can add action buttons to all level 1 and 2 in each extension. These buttons are meant as a way to provide links or actions for each row:

  • Action buttons for level 1 can be set through the tertiaryButtons computed property. This property should return an array of objects for each action button.
  • Action buttons for level 2 can be set by adding the actions key to the level 2 rows object. The value for this key must also be an array of objects for each action button.

Links must follow this structure:

  text: 'Click me',
  href: this.someLinkHref,
  target: '_blank', // Optional

For internal action buttons, follow this structure:

  text: 'Click me',
  onClick() {}


Visit GitLab MR Widgets Demo to see an example of all widgets displayed together.