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GitLab Subscriptions Internal API

The GitLab Subscriptions internal API is used by the CustomersDot application, it cannot be used by other consumers. This documentation is intended for people working on the GitLab and CustomersDot codebases.

Add new endpoints

API endpoints should be externally accessible by default, with proper authentication and authorization. Before adding a new internal endpoint, consider if the API would benefit the wider GitLab community and can be made externally accessible.

For the GitLab Subscription portal, we might chose to use an internal API when we need to make updates to GitLab without the context of a user. This means we don't have access to a user's access token, and instead make updates as the CustomersDot application in general.


CustomersDot JWT

These endpoints are all authenticated using JWT authentication from CustomersDot.

To authenticate using the JWT, clients:

  1. Read the contents of the signing key from the credentials.
  2. Use the signing key to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT).
  3. Pass the JWT in the X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN header.

Admin personal access token (PAT)

This authentication method is deprecated as it is not supported in the Cells architecture. It will be removed in a future milestone. Please use JWT authentication instead.

To authenticate as an administrator, generate a personal access token for an administrator with the api and admin_mode scopes. This token can then be supplied in the PRIVATE-TOKEN header.

Internal Endpoints


Fetch group owners

Use a GET command to get direct owners of the namespace. CustomersDot uses this endpoint to find users to notify about billing events.

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id/owners

Example request:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Fetch a namespace by ID

Used to fetch information about a namespace.

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes ID or URL-encoded path of the namespace

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

Update a namespace

Use a PUT command to update an existing namespace.

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes ID or URL-encoded path of the namespace
shared_runners_minutes_limit integer no Compute minutes quota
extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit integer no Extra compute minutes
additional_purchased_storage_size integer no Additional storage size
additional_purchased_storage_ends_on date no Additional purchased storage Ends on
gitlab_subscription_attributes hash no Hash object containing GitLab Subscription attributes. Accepts seats,max_seats_used,plan_code,end_date,auto_renew,trial,trial_ends_on,trial_starts_on,trial_extension_type

Example request:

curl --request PUT --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" " --data '{"shared_runners_minutes_limit":1000}'"

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

Provision a namespace

Use to provision subscription related resources for a root namespace. This includes main plan, storage, compute minutes, and add-on purchases. The endpoint processes resources independently - if one resource fails to provision, others continue to be provisioned.

You can provision one or more resources in a single request based on the parameters provided.

POST /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id/provision


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes ID of the namespace to provision

The endpoint supports parameters for each resource nested under the provision root key:

Attribute Type Required Description
main_plan hash no Hash object containing GitLab Subscription attributes
storage hash no Hash object containing Storage attributes
compute_minutes hash no Hash object containing Compute Minutes attributes
add_on_purchases hash no Hash object containing Add-on Purchases attributes

Main plan supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
plan_code string no Subscription tier code
start_date date no Start date of subscription
end_date date no End date of subscription
seats integer no Number of seats in subscription
max_seats_used integer no Highest number of billable users in the current subscription term
auto_renew boolean no Whether subscription auto-renews on end date
trial boolean no Whether subscription is a trial
trial_starts_on date no Start date of trial. Required if trial is true
trial_ends_on date no End date of trial

Storage supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
additional_purchased_storage_size integer no Additional storage size
additional_purchased_storage_ends_on date no Additional purchased storage ends on

Compute Minutes supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
shared_runners_minutes_limit integer no Compute minutes quota
extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit integer no Extra compute minutes

Add-on Purchases Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
quantity integer No Amount of units in the subscription add-on purchase. Must be a non-negative integer. (Example: Number of seats for Duo Pro add-on)
started_on date Yes Date the subscription add-on purchase became available
expires_on date Yes Expiration date of the subscription add-on purchase
purchase_xid string No Identifier for the subscription add-on purchase (Example: Subscription name for a Duo Pro add-on)
trial boolean No Whether the add-on is a trial

Example request:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Response Status Codes:

- 200 OK - Namespace provisioned successfully (empty response)
- 400 Bad Request - Invalid parameters or non-root namespace
- 401 Unauthorized - Invalid token
- 404 Not Found - Namespace doesn't exist
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - Validation errors during provisioning

### Subscriptions

The subscription endpoints are used by
[CustomersDot]( (``) to
apply subscriptions (including trials, and add-on purchases) to personal namespaces, or top-level
groups on

#### Fetch a subscription

Use a GET command to view an existing subscription.

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example request:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

#### Create a subscription

Use a POST command to create a subscription.

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `start_date` | date   | yes      | Start date of subscription |
| `end_date`  | date    | no       | End date of subscription |
| `plan_code` | string  | no       | Subscription tier code |
| `seats`     | integer | no       | Number of seats in subscription |
| `max_seats_used` | integer | no  | Highest number of billable users in the current subscription term |
| `auto_renew` | boolean | no      | Whether subscription auto-renews on end date |
| `trial`     | boolean | no       | Whether subscription is a trial |
| `trial_starts_on` | date | no    | Start date of trial |
| `trial_ends_on` | date | no      | End date of trial |

Example request:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

#### Update a subscription

Use a PUT command to update an existing subscription.

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `start_date` | date   | no       | Start date of subscription |
| `end_date`  | date    | no       | End date of subscription |
| `plan_code` | string  | no       | Subscription tier code |
| `seats`     | integer | no       | Number of seats in subscription |
| `max_seats_used` | integer | no  | Highest number of billable users in the current subscription term |
| `auto_renew` | boolean | no      | Whether subscription auto-renews on end date |
| `trial`     | boolean | no       | Whether subscription is a trial |
| `trial_starts_on` | date | no    | Start date of trial. Required if trial is true. |
| `trial_ends_on` | date | no      | End date of trial |

Example request:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

curl --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

### Upcoming Reconciliations

The `upcoming_reconciliations` endpoint is used by [CustomersDot]( (``)
to update upcoming reconciliations for namespaces.

#### Update an upcoming reconciliation

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

| Attribute                  | Type | Required | Description                                             |
| `namespace_id`             | ID   | yes      | ID of the namespace with the upcoming reconciliation    |
| `next_reconciliation_date` | date | yes      | Date the reconciliation will occur on                   |
| `display_alert_from`       | date | yes      | Date to start display the upcoming reconciliation alert |

Example request:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Example response:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

#### Delete an upcoming reconciliation

Use a DELETE command to delete an `upcoming_reconciliation`.

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Example request:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Example response:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

### Users

#### Retrieve a user

Use a GET command to get the User object based on user ID.

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Example request:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Example response:

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

#### Fetch user permissions in a namespace

Use a GET command to fetch the permissions a user has in a namespace.

    "user": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "john_smith",
      "name": "John Smith"
    "access_level": 50,
    "notification_email": ""

Example request:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example response:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

#### Update credit card validation

Use a PUT command to update the User's credit card validation

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example request:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example response:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

### Add-On Purchases

This API is used by CustomersDot to manage add-on purchases, excluding Compute Minutes
and Storage packs.

#### Create multiple subscription add-on purchases (Internal)

Use a POST command to create, update, and deprovision multiple subscription add-on purchases. Possible add-on types are `duo_pro`, `duo_enterprise`, and `product_analytics`.

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Supported attributes:

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `quantity` | integer | No | Amount of units in the subscription add-on purchase. Must be a non-negative integer. (Example: Number of seats for Duo Pro add-on)  |
| `started_on` | date | Yes | Date the subscription add-on purchase became available |
| `expires_on` | date | Yes | Expiration date of the subscription add-on purchase |
| `purchase_xid` | string | No | Identifier for the subscription add-on purchase (Example: Subscription name for a Code Suggestions add-on) |
| `trial` | boolean | No | Whether the add-on is a trial |

If successful, returns [`201`](../../api/rest/ and the following response attributes:

| Attribute       | Type    | Description |
| `namespace_id`  | integer | Unique identifier for the namespace associated with the purchase |
| `namespace_name`| string  | Name of the namespace linked to the purchase |
| `add_on`        | integer | Type of add-on related to the purchase. Possible add-on types are `Code Suggestions` alias Duo Pro, `Duo Enterprise` and `Product Analytics`  |
| `quantity`      | integer | Number of units purchased for the subscription add-on |
| `started_on`    | date    | Date the subscription add-on became active |
| `expires_on`    | date    | Date the subscription add-on will expire |
| `purchase_xid`  | string  | Unique identifier for the subscription add-on purchase |
| `trial`         | boolean | Indicates whether the add-on is part of a trial |

Example request for create/update:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example request for deprovision:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

The dates should reflect the day prior to the request (that is, yesterday).

Example response:

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

#### Fetch a subscription add-on purchases

Use a GET command to view an existing subscription add-on purchase.

GET /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

### Compute Minutes provisioning

The compute minutes endpoints are used by [CustomersDot]( (``)
to apply additional packs of compute minutes, for personal namespaces or top-level groups in

#### Create an additional pack

Use a POST command to create additional packs.

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `packs`     | array   | yes      | An array of purchased compute packs |
| `packs[expires_at]` | date   | yes      | Expiry date of the purchased pack|
| `packs[number_of_minutes]`  | integer    | yes       | Number of additional compute minutes |
| `packs[purchase_xid]` | string  | yes       | The unique ID of the purchase |

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

#### Move additional packs

Use a `PATCH` command to move additional packs from one namespace to another.

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `id` | string | yes | The ID of the namespace to transfer packs from |
| `target_id`  | string | yes | The ID of the target namespace to transfer the packs to |

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

## Deprecated Endpoints

These endpoints have been [migrated to internal endpoints]( Now, they are
deprecated and will be [removed in a future milestone](

### Add-On Purchases (deprecated)

This API is used by CustomersDot to manage add-on purchases, excluding Compute Minutes
and Storage packs.

#### Create a subscription add-on purchase (deprecated)

Use a POST command to create a subscription add-on purchase.

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `quantity` | integer | yes | Amount of units in the subscription add-on purchase (Example: Number of seats for a Code Suggestions add-on) |
| `started_on` | date | yes | Date the subscription add-on purchase became available |
| `expires_on` | date | yes | Expiration date of the subscription add-on purchase |
| `purchase_xid` | string | yes | Identifier for the subscription add-on purchase (Example: Subscription name for a Code Suggestions add-on) |
| `trial` | boolean | no | Whether the add-on is a trial |

Example request:

curl --request GET --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" ""

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

#### Update a subscription add-on purchase (deprecated)

Use a PUT command to update an existing subscription add-on purchase.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `quantity` | integer | no | Amount of units in the subscription add-on purchase (Example: Number of seats for a Code Suggestions add-on) |
| `started_on` | date | yes | Date the subscription add-on purchase became available |
| `expires_on` | date | yes | Expiration date of the subscription add-on purchase |
| `purchase_xid` | string | no | Identifier for the subscription add-on purchase (Example: Subscription name for a Code Suggestions add-on) |
| `trial` | boolean | no | Whether the add-on is a trial |

Example request:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

#### Fetch a subscription add-on purchases (deprecated)

Use a GET command to view an existing subscription add-on purchase.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

Example request:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

### Compute quota provisioning (deprecated)

#### Version history

- [Renamed]( from "CI/CD minutes" to "compute quota" and "compute minutes" in GitLab 16.1.

The compute quota endpoints are used by [CustomersDot]( (``)
to apply additional packs of compute minutes, for personal namespaces or top-level groups in

#### Create an additional pack (deprecated)

Use a POST command to create additional packs.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `packs`     | array   | yes      | An array of purchased compute packs |
| `packs[expires_at]` | date   | yes      | Expiry date of the purchased pack|
| `packs[number_of_minutes]`  | integer    | yes       | Number of additional compute minutes |
| `packs[purchase_xid]` | string  | yes       | The unique ID of the purchase |

Example request:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "group1",
  "path": "group1",
  "kind": "group",
  "full_path": "group1",
  "parent_id": null,
  "avatar_url": null,
  "web_url": "",
  "members_count_with_descendants": 2,
  "billable_members_count": 2,
  "max_seats_used": 0,
  "seats_in_use": 0,
  "plan": "default",
  "end_date": null,
  "trial_ends_on": null,
  "trial": false,
  "root_repository_size": 100,
  "projects_count": 3

#### Move additional packs (deprecated)

Use a `PATCH` command to move additional packs from one namespace to another.

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `id` | string | yes | The ID of the namespace to transfer packs from |
| `target_id`  | string | yes | The ID of the target namespace to transfer the packs to |

Example request:

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example response:

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

### Subscriptions (deprecated)

The subscription endpoints are used by
[CustomersDot]( (``) to
apply subscriptions (including trials) to personal namespaces, or top-level groups on

#### Create a subscription (deprecated)

Use a POST command to create a subscription.

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `start_date` | date   | yes      | Start date of subscription |
| `end_date`  | date    | no       | End date of subscription |
| `plan_code` | string  | no       | Subscription tier code |
| `seats`     | integer | no       | Number of seats in subscription |
| `max_seats_used` | integer | no  | Highest number of active users in the last month |
| `auto_renew` | boolean | no      | Whether subscription auto-renews on end date |
| `trial`     | boolean | no       | Whether subscription is a trial |
| `trial_starts_on` | date | no    | Start date of trial |
| `trial_ends_on` | date | no      | End date of trial |

Example request:

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example response:

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

#### Update a subscription (deprecated)

Use a PUT command to update an existing subscription.

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

| Attribute   | Type    | Required | Description |
| `start_date` | date   | no       | Start date of subscription |
| `end_date`  | date    | no       | End date of subscription |
| `plan_code` | string  | no       | Subscription tier code |
| `seats`     | integer | no       | Number of seats in subscription |
| `max_seats_used` | integer | no  | Highest number of active users in the last month |
| `auto_renew` | boolean | no      | Whether subscription auto-renews on end date |
| `trial`     | boolean | no       | Whether subscription is a trial |
| `trial_starts_on` | date | no    | Start date of trial. Required if trial is true. |
| `trial_ends_on` | date | no      | End date of trial |

Example request:

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example response:

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

#### Fetch a subscription (deprecated)

Use a GET command to view an existing subscription.

PUT /internal/gitlab_subscriptions/namespaces/:id

Example request:

curl --request PUT --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" " --data '{"shared_runners_minutes_limit":1000}'"

Example response:

curl --request PUT --header "X-CUSTOMERS-DOT-INTERNAL-TOKEN: <json-web-token>" " --data '{"shared_runners_minutes_limit":1000}'"